Friday, September 12, 2008


Hi!!! Sorry its taken so long to get this up and running. My name is Nicole Gilbert and I am in my first semester at St. Peters attempting to receive my certification. For undergrad I attended WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY....LETS GOOO MOUNTAINEERS!!!! I miss it just a little ha ha. There I received my bachelors in English with a concentration in Professional Writing and Editing. I am sort of technologically inclined so hopefully this class will help me get passed that. I hope to have a wonderful semester and I am very excited I only have to drive up to Jersey City once a week. Considering that I am taking 4 classes substituting teaching and bar tending on the weekends. I'm a busy girl.

1 comment:

Dr. Luongo said...

Welcome to the blog, Nicole!

Great to "meet" you!

Looking forward to reading more...